Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday of Spring Break

Today was very busy again.  My two sons helped my finish building a goat pen and a chicken tractor.  We will use the goat pen for Sprinkles.  Eventually he will get old enough and then he will become frisky with DQ.  She will only get rest if we move him to another pen.  The tractor will be for the growing chicks.  It is still to cold at night to leave them outside.  We will move them in the morning to the tractor (a box with wire wrapped around it on wheels).  Then back to the bath tub.  We will work on a new coop later.  I dropped my oldest son at my sisters house for the remander of Spring Break.  We will pick him up on Sunday.  I stayed to visit with my parents.  Then I went home.  My husband meet me and we loaded up the water trailer to go get water.  We haul water on Tuesday and Saturday from our neighbors well.  We pay him on a monthly basis.  Eventually we plan on having a well dug.  We will have to save for that.

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