Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cleaning Day

Today was cleaning day.

Usually I start in the back of the house and work my way around. I use very few cleaning products. Vinegar and baking soda usually does the trick. I have used lemon if something is particularly yucky. My son learned a trick to clean the ceiling fans without making a mess. You place a pillow - case over the blades and it catches the dust.

I try to make most things from household items. DIY potpourri is made from orange peels and cinnamon sticks. Put them in water in a pot and simmer. This makes the yummiest smell in the house. It cuts the vinegar smell almost instantly. Just make sure you keep water in the pan or it will burn. That will be a terrible smell.

I posted yesterday that I have had a difficult time breathing. This makes me sit and take treatments. I think this is such a misuse of my time. Today I put a puzzle together while taking medication. I enjoy puzzles. This is funny because I think sitting still; not doing anything productive is a waste of time. Still it is fun for me. I ask my family to join me but they do not like puzzle building.

Today I cleaned out the inside animal houses. My family shreds paper (old statements, bills, etc.) and that is what I use to line the guinea pig cage. I noticed his nails needed to be trimmed. I usually do this when my youngest is around, but he is at school. Any way I figured if I do his I might as well do them all. Merrel the cockatiel was not very happy. You see she hates me. My husband is her favorite. Even though I feed and water her every day. I also give her treats too. I am happy to say Johnny Cash layed down like a gentleman until I was done. In the past he would pull away and I would just about have to sit on him to get the job done.

While I was cooking dinner I reached up over the stove and burnt my tummy, right where my waistline meets. When we first moved into this house my husband’s father gave us an Aloe Vera plant. We never planted it. It stays in the kitchen window. I have used it several times. I just cut off a piece and rub it on. When that end dries out I cut that same piece and more goo oozes out. This helps the burn heal with almost never any scarring

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