Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday Surprise

When I came home from work Sunday there was a nice surprise. When I arrive home I usually do a drive by. This is when I drive through the rows of pens to check on the animals. I check to make sure everyone is where they belong. That they have water and food. And that nobody is hurting any body else. So the first pen I drive up to is the duck pen. I see three white heads right off the bat. I should only have two white ducks. Surprise. I now have eight ducks. Two new ducks. One large Pekin and one normal size runner duck. It seems the neighbor has a friend who could no longer give water to these two ducks. The neighbor did not want them. He said they were too messy. I suppose if all you had were two ducks and lots and lots of chickens they would be considered messy. But what is two more ducks if you already have six. They seem to fit right in. A lot of butt sniffing if you know what I mean. I am unsure which sex they are yet. This morning I got 4 eggs still like always. We had one male Pekin duck for sure. One female Pekin duck and one female gray Swedish duck, who is Uno’s mother, and two female runner ducks. Uno is to young to lay eggs or Uno might be a male. I hope Uno is a girl. We have no reason to have more than one male duck. Unfortunately we will be getting rid of any females that do not lay eggs. Feed is to expensive to keep them as pets. So I hope that these two ducks are females also.

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