Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I will use this post to play catch up.  I am sorry that I have not written in so long.  I have not felt very well. 

Lets see. 
Bunnies     I borrowed the neighbors buck to mate with our Molly magic.  I placed her in his hutch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  She stayed there all day so I hope he did his job.  If this breeding was not successful it was not for the lack of his trying.  It is amazing how fast their little legs can go.  We returned him on Saturday when we got water.

Goats    My husband and I moved Sprinkles the buck to his own pen.  Sprinkles was getting very pushy with little Chocolate and would not let him eat or drink.  When we moved him it was so touching.  DQ put her nose through the fence to touch his.
    Chocolate hasn't been feeling well.  He has a cough, buggery nose, and the most pathetic cry.  We started him on antibiotic liquid.  Electrolyte water.  and a penicillin shot.   I hope the little guy gets better.
    The baby goats need to find a new home.  They are eating and drinking nicely.  We took many pictures to post on Craigslist, but have not done so yet.

Garden   My oldest son and I put a fence around the garden beds.  We planted everything I could get my hands on.  We have watered every night.  I hope they will survive.   I will feel silly spending so much money if they fail.

Pigs    The three little pigs escaped again.  This time into Sprinkles pen.  They were happy to be eating his alfalfa.  I wasn't aware that pigs liked alfalfa.  Poor Sprinkles.  First we separated him from his family and then he is invaded by three wiggly, slurping, selfish creatures.  My oldest son and I get them back in their pen.   Reinforce yet again the bottom of the fence and hope for the best.

Ducks    Because I have had a plethora of eggs I decided to conduct an experiment.  The ducks started to lay in a makeshift nest in the bunny house.  I let them keep their eggs.  They waited for five days, (20) eggs.  Then they started to to sit on them.  One of the brown ducks in particular.  She has pulled feathers to line the nest.  I threw some hay on the ground to help her.  She incorporated that into her nest.  I wonder what will come. 

Chickens  The chickens are laying like gang busters.  For the past week I have gotten 23 eggs from them.  They are earning their keep.  How ironic that my egg customers have decreased when production is at its peak. I raked the bunny house and Ned's pen up against their coop.  The chickens love to pick out what the other animals don't eat through their coop.  This helps with clean up later.  They mostly just leave the droppings which will be used in the garden. 

Dent    Because i don't like to use store bought shavings.  I use shredded paper that my family so kindly shares with me.  It is quite messy.  I am all ways picking it up off the floor in front of the guinea pigs cage.  I remembered a bird cage that had a piece of material with elastic around it to catch the bird seed.  I decided to try an old sheet with Dent.  He loves to burrow in the paper and creates such a mess.  The sheet catches all the paper.  It works great in that aspect.  But it is hard for Dent to look out.  He has to stand up on the cage wall to look out.  It will not hurt him to get some exercise.  Up, Down, Up , Down.

House    It isn't so hard to keep things clean.  I just have to work on it every day.  Laundry, dishes, straightening, etc..  I have been watching Net Flix a lot.  The Hoarders is one of my favorites.  When I watch this show it makes me want to rethink every thing I keep.   I finally got rid of those plastic bags.  They get strewn about everywhere.  It is hard to keep them in one place.  I think I have a handle on the things in my life.  The next thing I will work on is the stack of jeans I have saved.  They will be a quilt someday.  No I'm not a hoarder.

Weather   The weather has been so nice.  Not to hot.  Not to cold.  My husband and the boys have been cleaning up the work yard.  They placed their old motorcycles in the scrap pile.  It looks like a metal graveyard.  Someday we will take it to the recycling plant in Phoenix.

Family    The boys and I went to My sister's house, in Maricopa for Easter.  We had a nice visit.  I left my youngest there for school the next week and we went home.  I took my medicine and went straight to bed.
My sister (from Maricopa), her daughter, my mother, and my father came out to the house this past week.  My niece was so excited to see all the animals.  I was able to let her pet all the different animals.  When it was time to go she didn't cry or get upset like most small children do.  She just got in the van and drove away.  It was a nice experience.
    My oldest son and I took a trip to the MVD to try to get his permit.  He did not pass the test.  I don't believe he studied.  He wanted to go back the next day and again he did not pass.  He took a study book the day before, but he told me he gave it to his girlfriend.  How sweet.

Cooking   I haven't baked or cooked real food for ever.  On Wednesday I baked white chocolate cranberry cookies.  My oldest son said.  It isn't Monday.  How funny.

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