Saturday, June 28, 2014

They grow up so fast

This is the rabbit my youngest saved from our last harvest
This is how she looked on Friday when we placed her in the birthing cage
So Friday my youngest son helped feed the Rabbits. He comes out of one pen and says one of those rabbits is going to have babies. I asked him why he thought that. He said their is fur all over the pen. So I go and look and guess what I found.
Seven wiggly squeaky babies. She had gotten over into the males pen and of coarse we knew it was going to happen. So my youngest son and I gathered all the little babies up and placed them in the birthing cage. We like to put the mammas in the birthing cage before they give birth. Her timing was way off. In fact I had just thought maybe we got away with no babies. Summer babies are so hard. It is too too hot. They almost never make it. No such luck.

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