Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dollar Store Lotion

So I remembered something today. When I was in the hospital I was concerned that my husband wouldn't be able to find me. In he walks into the room. I said how did you find me? He said I smelled your cheap lotion. I so love this lotion. I have very sensitive skin and I tried this lotion as a tester. I waited until the next day. No itching or burning. So I went back to the Dollar store and bought one bottle. I was almost out of the lotion awhile back.I went back to my town Dollar store and they were out. But don't worry while I was shopping with my mother we came across the same lotion and we bought another. I don't think it smells cheap. It has a vanilla, brown sugar scent. I haven't received any complaints about it from my work mates. The last time I tried a new lotion it was fine. Then after a truck ride to Maricopa, where my parents and sister live, my skin burned like the dickens. Who ever came up with that saying. Anyway, That had to be a reaction with sunlight. My father suggested to rub vinegar on it. That took the burning sensation away immediately. I am leery to try any new lotions or soaps because of that reaction and others I have had.


  1. Well I can offer some hope...since you & I seem to have similar physical characteristics, you may grow out of your extreme sensitivity. I used to be the same way. Now not so much. So perhaps once your body settles down from the surgery, you to may be able to use other brands as well.😊♥

  2. I hope that is the case. It is hard to be so super careful. But it just isn't worth the discomfort to take a risk and try another product. Perhaps with age I will grow out of it.
