Sunday, May 18, 2014

I will keep him

My husband and I have been married for 20 years.   About 5 years into our marriage we had a rough time.  I told my husband that when the children turned 18 I would divorce him.  Our youngest son is 17 so if I was following what I said I would only have 1 year to go.  Well just last night it dawned on me that I'm not going anywhere.  It was around 11:30 p.m and we were crawling into bed.  It was a long day for both of us.  So he gave me the "yes I will find you in heaven" kiss.  And he said he was tired.  I was tired too.  So we got comfortable and dozed off holding hands.  As I was falling asleep I thought isn't this wonderful to be content just next to someone.  Knowing you have found the right one.  Of coarse it took a lot for my epiphany.  After going thru surgery and needing so much.  Watching him do everything I normally do without complaining.  Every sound I made he was there.  He has always done things for me.  From tires and gas to building rabbit hutches and giving the animals shots.  He brings me home dr pepper and chocolate every time I ask.  He takes me places when he would rather just stay home.  Anyway I think I will keep him.


  1. Yes, I believe there are stages in a marriage...the enamored stage where you just can't get enough of each other; the this isn't what I thought it would be stage; the I can't wait to get out of this relationship so I can do what I want stage & the I'm so tired I don't even care what happens (those last 2 steps are interchangeable); the hmmm...wait a minute, maybe this isn't so bad after all stage & hey he really does love me stage (these 2 stages are interchangeable); the yes I certainly do love him stage & the enamored with each other in a familiar, comfortable stage where sex isn't the base of your relationship but a wonderful knowledge that this person is the other half of your angelic soul. You know they say before you are born you are one half of your angelic soul, your soul mate is the other half; that leads to the rest of your life stage where you are just happy & content to be with other where you share one restaurant dinner & have enough for lunch the next day & then the my heart is aching because you are gone & I can't wait until I can be with you again. Through all of this I personally think 2 things ate important , always keep the Lord Jesus Christ prominent & put the other person first (The Gift of the Magi)
    There you according to an old lady with 'golden' hair.😊

  2. Yes I can see how the stages flow
