Tuesday, May 13, 2014


At this time we have fourteen chickens and one rooster.  We bought the chickens from the family feed store in town in two batches.  It was around the second week in December.  We went to the store for rabbit pellets and heard peeping.  So of coarse I had to get some.  I asked my husband can I get twenty dollars worth.  He just sold our old chickens to the neighbor.  They stopped laying eggs and we had a freezer full of meat.  He said sure.  They were white leghorns and lay white eggs, supposedly they can lay three hundred eggs a year.  So we brought them home and popped them in the bath tub.  Then one night I went in to check on them and there were more.  I counted fourteen in total.  I called my husband and asked him about the extra chicks.  He said he stopped by the feed store for something and he just picked them up.  He only wanted six but their were two other yellow colored chicks.  He said he couldn't just leave them.  So now we have fourteen chickens.  They have just started to lay eggs.  This is very ironic because my husband has a picnic for his work at the beginning of May.  He is assigned deviled eggs.  We bring at least six dozen.  Do you think our little chickens layed eggs for that.  No they waited until two days after.  Anyway, we are getting about a dozen each day.  We even get two to three olive green eggs.  Those chicks that he couldn't leave behind are Easter Eggers.  They have feathers covering their ears and they lay olive green eggs.


  1. hehehe... Easter Eggers. Cool.

  2. 1 dozen = 12 anything we'll say eggs
    A dozen a day x 7 days = 7 dozen egg
    7 x 12 = 84 eggs
    1 Family = Dad,Mom, 2 boys + 1 fiance
    = 5, 5 people
    84 eggs •/• 5 people = 16 eggs/person with 4 eggs left over each week
    12 eggs •/• 5 people = 2 1/2 eggs /person a day
    2 1/2, That's not so much but 84. EIGHTY FOUR that's HUGE
    Congratulations so now you get, what did you say...100 laying days. Thats .....
    300 days x 14 chickens ......OMG too much for a tired GrMa brain to think about!
    Congratulations looks like you won't be buying eggs for a long time. & just think you can always go cuddle with a little chicken if you EVER get lonely (like you would ever need a chicken with those happy little baby goats, the friendly older goats, the sooooft hippy bunnies & last-but-not-least....a pack of various size dogs, 2 strong boys & 1 handsome loving husband. Sounds like a pretty Nice life.
    😊♥U. *v*

  3. I will be sending some eggs your way. Thank you. I am content.
