I will be posting about daily life at my home. Focussing on handicrafts and the haven we have created. Discussing raising animals: goats, ducks, chickens, pigs, and dogs. Gardening, or trying to garden in the desert. Cooking and housecleaning. From recipes to cleaning fans. I will also write about family. Mostly teenagers and husbands. Crafting is something I do to stay busy. I have a difficult time throwing things away so I will go into recycling.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Crochet Christmas Stockings
I am making Christmas stockings and thought I'd share the pattern
using H hook
Color 1
Rnd 1: Using magic circle Ch 1, work 5 hdc magic circle, sl st to join (6)
Rnd 2: Ch 1, Work hdc in same hdc, 2 hdc in each hdc, sl st (12)
Rnd 3: Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc [hdc in the next hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc] sl st (17)
Rnd 4: Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc [hdc in the next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc] sl st tie off with tail and weave in.(23)
Rnd 5: Change to color 2 with a sl st, Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc [hdc in the next 3 hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc] sl st (28)
Rnds 6-15: Ch 1, work hde in the same hdc, hdc in each hdc around, sl st for a total of 10 rounds(28)
Rnd 16: Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc [hdc in the next 4 hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc] hdc 2, sl st (33) sl st, drop to pick up later
Rnd 17: Change to Color 1 with a sl st, Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc, hdc in the next 17 hdc, turn(18)
Rnd 19: hdc2tog dc, hdc in the next 14 hdc, hdc2tog dc, turn (16)
Rnd 20: hdc2tog dc, hdc in the next 12 hdc, hdc2tog dc, turn (14)
Rnd 21: hdc2tog dc, hdc in the next 10, hdc2tog dc, turn (12)
Rnd 22: hdc2tog dc, hdc in the next hdc 8, hdc2tog dc, turn (10)
Rnd 23: hdc2tog dc twice, hdc in the next 2, hdc2tog dc twice, sl st tie off with tail and weave in. (6)
Rnd 24: Pick up Color 2, sl st into the previous Round 17, Ch 1, hdc in the same hdc around sl st (33)
Rnds 25-42: Ch 1, Work hdc in same hdc, hdc in each hdc around, sl st for a total of 17 times, then tie off with tail and weave in.(33)
Rnds 43-48: Change to Color 1, sl st Ch 1, Work hdc in the same hdc, hdc in each hdc around, sl st for a total of 3 times, tie off leaving long tail to build a holder. (33)
Ch 15 Tie in to stocking and weave in
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Craft Fair
Today my sister in law had her company winter festival and I participated in the craft fair. This was my most successful year to date. My sister in law is a great sales woman. This is wonderful because I am not outspoken and she jumps right in. It seems that you can not predict what will sell or be the biggest trend. You have to go on a leap of faith. Hoping what you make will sell. I created most of my items from materials I had collected from previous projects or from friends and family. The cost was minimal and The atmosphere was pleasant. A most enjoyable experience.
I was able to hand out business information cards to my etsy shop. HHandicraftHaven. I created the etsy shop some time ago but never added any items for sale. One of the neighbor booths made signs from repurposed wood. I was thinking maybe I will have her make a sign with my shop logo on it. This would be neat for any fairs in the future.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
The Great Escape
So on Friday morning we wake up and find this. The big goats got out and ate all the hay. There really was only one bale left. On Thursday night Casa Grande had a big storm. It was so bad that my husband moved his work van to the neighbors. Our neighbors live closer to the main road. It is safer to have the van on higher ground if it rains. The van weighs so much and it does not have four wheel drive. He doesn't want to take the risk of it sinking in the desert mud. He stayed awhile and then he and my son drove home in our old truck. It seems the storm blew the gate of the big goat pen right off the hinges. The closing strap was still attached. Luckily the neighbors gave us some nice green bell peppers last night. My husband opened a box in the pen and the goats walked right back in. No chasing on our part. Thank goodness.
My youngest son and husband put the gate to rights and we finished taking care of the animals. Nothing else was broken or blown away. Very unusual.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Dog Food
We have 4 dogs now. They have a hard time with dog food. We find a brand they like and it goes well for awhile. They eat it up like nobodies business. Then after awhile it starts to bother one or all of them. So we switch it up. This brand is from the feed store. Very inexpensive. I hope they like it for awhile.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Thin Bagels
I love these. I found them at Walmart. They make good sandwiches. I brought them home and did not buy cream cheese because I had just bought some. Went into the refrigerator and no cream cheese. I asked my youngest and he said he just finished it. OMG. Really. So I made sandwiches with them instead. If he hadn't eaten all the cream cheese I never would have tried making a sandwich with them . Very tasty.
Sharp Blades
So I wrote a week ago about receiving a ninja. They have very sharp blades. I cut my right index finger very badly near the first bend. A band aid was not working. While wearing a band aid I had a hard time doing just about everything. My work mate suggested liquid band aid. I found some New Skin at Safeway. It works great. I can shuffle through papers with the best of them. I don't know why I didn't think of this myself my mother has used this before. It smells rather intoxicating when you first put it on. It does sting. But after that you are sealed in tight.
Cell Phones
Tired of the service I had. Every time I need something I get pushed around. We were stuck in a contract with our previous cell phone company. My youngest is very hard on phones and we had no more insurance claims on his line. He broke his phone and it was not working. I called our local cell phone company and they said I'm sorry mam the only thing we can do for you is help you select a new phone that you can buy. So if I buy a new phone will I then be able to insure it. No mam that line has used its limit for this time period. How silly is that. On Friday my youngest took my phone to go get water. He comes back in with a very sad look on his face. He hands me my cell phone and said it dropped and broke. Are you kidding. I told him to be careful. The screen was shattered and sharp. Every time I did anything I cut my fingers. Nope not gonna happen. So I have ins claims available, but I would need to pay $100 and then wait. So unhappy. So we went to T Mobile. They buy out contracts. We get two new phones and no contract. We both now have 4 G our reception is great. My bill is almost a half or what the other company was. I even get cell coverage in the lead room I work in. This was a very rash decision. The man that helped us was a trainee. He took a long time to do everything. I was 5 min late for work, I am never late.
They grow up so fast
This is the rabbit my youngest saved from our last harvest
This is how she looked on Friday when we placed her in the birthing cage
So Friday my youngest son helped feed the Rabbits. He comes out of one pen and says one of those rabbits is going to have babies. I asked him why he thought that. He said their is fur all over the pen. So I go and look and guess what I found.
Seven wiggly squeaky babies. She had gotten over into the males pen and of coarse we knew it was going to happen. So my youngest son and I gathered all the little babies up and placed them in the birthing cage. We like to put the mammas in the birthing cage before they give birth. Her timing was way off. In fact I had just thought maybe we got away with no babies. Summer babies are so hard. It is too too hot. They almost never make it. No such luck.
Friday, June 27, 2014
AZ without AC
So this weekend my vehicle, a 1992 Bronco, stopped blowing cold air. So Driving the truck home on Sunday was miserable. Hot and nasty. So my husband and youngest son take it into the shop and start tearing into it. Mice. Stupid mice. They made a nest inside the AC blower. My husband said he was surprised it even blew at all. They cleaned it out and charged it and low and behold it is so cold. It was around 9:30 when they finished. We went to McDonald's to get ice cream and I was so cold my teeth were chattering. They had charged it about a month ago. I was super cold then too. Like I said stupid mice.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Gilmore Girls
I am watching the Gilmore Girls from the Pilot. I just love their small town antics. I am currently on season 4. They produced 7 seasons. It is set up kind of like a soap opera. I never could steadily watch them on t.v because of my schedule. If I missed one I was totally lost. I borrow them from the library and on certain days I just watch and watch. My husband doesn't care for them very much. Occasionally you can catch my youngest son watching them with me. I can't wait to watch them all.
Time to let them go
It is time to sell our little goats. They are finally old enough to let go. I will place an add on Craigslist and see how it goes. This has worked for us in the past. It is just so hot I don't want to go outside long enough to get pictures. That would be great if they would sit still and pose. I have procrastinated a long time. If I don't get any Craigslist callers my husband will take them to the auction. They really have only a couple of purposes. Either they are for breeding or they are for selling. We have our breeders and now it is just time. Time to let them go.
Tire Machine
My husband bought a tire machine from his friend The Tire Man. This will come in handy. As I have stated before we live in the desert. On a weekly basis my husband or sons are repairing a tire on one of the vehicles. They go to The Tire Man's shop and use his machine. He doesn't charge usually. At times his brother or father are there and they are grumpy about letting us use the shop. So when they got a new machine he offered to let my husband buy it. He purchased an air compressor from them awhile ago and we use it all the time. It will be quite nice to not need the shop as often. Of coarse we will need to buy our tires from them. But repairs and changes can be done at our house
Sunday, June 22, 2014
I received my Christmas present early. This Ninja comes in handy while we are on Herbalife. The ninja whips up a shake in no time. My favorite lately is peanut butter. Thank you Santa
Friday, June 20, 2014
New Director
So my work filed bankruptcy and was bought by another large corporation. My department was reassigned to another director. We were removed from any other department as well. She sent a plant on our first day of transition. I took it home because some of my work mates thought it had a bad odor. When the arrangement first arrived it had many different flowers inserted into the base of the pot. I took it home and removed all the dead flowers. It has no other smell but dirt now. The plant was a very nice thought.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
First New Car
My oldest son bought his first new car. He went to a dealership and worked it out with them. He also purchased his first insurance policy. I am so proud of him. I am glad this worked out for him.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
No Security Deposit
My oldest son will not be getting a security deposit back. He moved in with his girl friend. This is the mess he left. Since my husband and I are on this health kick we might turn it into a home gym. I offered the room to my youngest son, but he declined. He thinks his room is cooler. I suppose any room would be cooler if you uncovered the air vent. In this picture it is under the futon in the corner. I suppose we will need to gut the room and start from scratch. You know. Patch the huge holes in the drywall and paint. Remove the stained and cut up carpet and replace with new laminate flooring. If only I could win the lottery.
The Ugliest Skirt Ever
So I finally found one. I have looked and looked for a denim skirt just like this one. I don't buy any clothes new so at times I have to wait for things I really want. Thrift stores like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are my favorite stores. Of coarse I do buy my undergarments new. I came across this flared denim skirt and it fits just perfect. I wear it not once but twice. Then the third time I wear it my husband said your not wearing that skirt. I honestly can't remember where we were going. I was shocked that he said that. I asked why whats wrong with it thinking I had stained it, or ripped it, or something. He said "That's the ugliest skirt ever." I asked him if he was serious and he said yes. I asked my youngest son what he thought. My sons are great about this. I come out with different outfits and they tell me what they think. They probably hate that. But he said "Is that from the 70's." Ok so neither one of them like this skirt. I really like it. It is so comfortable and feels nice on. I suppose I can wear it when they are not around.
Dollar Store Lotion
So I remembered something today. When I was in the hospital I was concerned that my husband wouldn't be able to find me. In he walks into the room. I said how did you find me? He said I smelled your cheap lotion. I so love this lotion. I have very sensitive skin and I tried this lotion as a tester. I waited until the next day. No itching or burning. So I went back to the Dollar store and bought one bottle. I was almost out of the lotion awhile back.I went back to my town Dollar store and they were out. But don't worry while I was shopping with my mother we came across the same lotion and we bought another. I don't think it smells cheap. It has a vanilla, brown sugar scent. I haven't received any complaints about it from my work mates. The last time I tried a new lotion it was fine. Then after a truck ride to Maricopa, where my parents and sister live, my skin burned like the dickens. Who ever came up with that saying. Anyway, That had to be a reaction with sunlight. My father suggested to rub vinegar on it. That took the burning sensation away immediately. I am leery to try any new lotions or soaps because of that reaction and others I have had.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Harry Potter

Friday, June 6, 2014
Rabbit Food
My husband and I are trying to lose some weight. He is using herbal life and weight lifting. He is also trying to eat right. We are eating a lot of salads with chicken or turkey. We are both getting tired of all this "rabbit food " as he puts it. I lost several pounds before my surgery. I have found that it is hard to keep it off. I have a hard time exercising because it triggers an asthma attack. We will continue. The shakes aren't. Half bad
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Cleaning the Tank
I believe that I have written about our water situation. I will recap. We haul our own water with a trailer and two tanks. Almost every Friday we, meaning my husband or our sons, go to the neighbors and pump water into the tanks. Then drive the tanks to our house and pump the water into our holding tank. Our holding tank is made out of black plastic. Black plastic is very important because it does not allow algae to grow. Well not as much as the white plastic. Just like everything it needs to be cleaned. So every once in a while we allow the tanks to drain. Then our sons crawl into the tank to steam wash the sides. Then they vacuum out the yuck. Our youngest was the lucky one available to enter the tank this time. He looks like he was swimming, but that was just the steam. After that is done they refill the water. Then they go into the house and change and clean all the filters. Even the filter attached to the washing machine. It is amazing how much debris and silt gets attached to that little filter. Which isn't even as big as your thumb.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
He got the job
So our oldest son has been on a search for a job. He has looked on line, in person, and by word of mouth. About two months ago, when he returned from the North, he placed applications in at all the big manufacturers in our area. Abbott, Frito Lay, Daisy, National Vitamin, The Egg Farm, Pinal Energy, ETC. No calls, No Emails. Nada. He accepts a job at the local pizza place. He works maybe 20 hours per week. This is middle of the road at best. They will not give him more hours. He is trudging along. Unable to full fill his dreams. Simple dreams. You know get a vehicle, move out. This is our goal. MOVE OUT. He provided a resume, a nice reference letter, and a fabulous referral from family friends who are employed at these plants. So he was just trudging along.
Until last week he gets a call from the Egg Farm. They called and left a message. He could not make it out so I listened. I heard a man's voice and could only make out the Egg Farm. He spoke in such broken English it was impossible to understand. Even without knowing fully what the man said I knew he had to call. Hopefully he would get an English speaking person. Nope its the same man. They wanted to meet with him. So we went. Yes Our Oldest has a drivers license, and yes he can drive. But no we are not comfortable allowing him to drive, and no my husband will not let him use our vehicles. Anyway. To not cause any sort of disagreement I drive him to Hickman's Farms. It is almost 40 minutes away. I thought it was closer. He has his interview and they tell him they will call with drug screen appointment and orientation meeting.
He waits and waits. Another week goes by and I tell him to call. Years ago that was the practice. You did something and then you followed up. Not in today's day and age. So he calls and the man, still not sure if he is Miguel or Manny, and he is told to go to have a urine drug screening at the lab the next day. Well in order to have any tests you must show ID. You think he has his, nope. He left his wallet at his girlfriend's parents house. So, yes I am grumpy but tell him I will drive him back out to the REZ to get it. Oh no the girlfriend has a meeting at the high school at 10 so we can meet her there. Great. We get it and then go to the lab. Do you think the receptionist knows what he is talking about when he tells her he is there for a drug screen. Oh she will call. So there we are waiting and she doesn't call. So I stand up and ask should he call his contact. Oh no I'll call she says. We hear her call and leave a message. Did she really think we were just going to sit there and wait. I send him outside to call his contact, Miguel or Manny. Miguel or Manny will fax in the authorization and order. He also has no idea who the receptionist left a message with. He walks back in and before he can sit down the papers come over. She said oh thats funny they are from Miguel I don't work with him only Shirley. Who is Shirley. He goes in the back leaves his sample and we leave. He gets a call from Miguel, glad we cleared that up, telling him that the girls who handle the orientation and paperwork will call him and set up an appointment.
Around noon he gets a call from the paperwork people. Can you go to Buckeye for orientation tomorrow, they really want to get you started. He asks me and I say sure. Not really sure how I'm going to pull that off. Getting him to Buckeye and back, and getting myself to work on time. When he was talking to Miguel last week orientation was from 8 to 5. No way I was going to miss work. Buckeye is about 2 hours from our house. It would not be cost or time effective if I drove and dropped him off and someone else went to pick him up. So I called Amanda, my fill in at work, her number is disconnected. I called Barbara, the morning person at work, and she gives me the same number. My next recourse was to ask Barbara if she would stay late. She agrees. I tell her it will only be a about 4 hours. After She agrees I call my supervisor and she agrees. Then My Oldest tells me it is only until 2. Great this will only push me a couple hours late for work.
So I am sitting at McDonald's inside Walmart surfing the net. This, I hope, will not be a wasted day. This job will pay more with increase options. It has benefits after 90 days. They also offer 40 plus hours per week. My friend's husband has worked with them for over a decade. He thinks the employees are treated fairly. When My Oldest lived in the north he worked at the pig farm. He can do this. I don't know how else he will survive on his own making only minimum wage.
Until last week he gets a call from the Egg Farm. They called and left a message. He could not make it out so I listened. I heard a man's voice and could only make out the Egg Farm. He spoke in such broken English it was impossible to understand. Even without knowing fully what the man said I knew he had to call. Hopefully he would get an English speaking person. Nope its the same man. They wanted to meet with him. So we went. Yes Our Oldest has a drivers license, and yes he can drive. But no we are not comfortable allowing him to drive, and no my husband will not let him use our vehicles. Anyway. To not cause any sort of disagreement I drive him to Hickman's Farms. It is almost 40 minutes away. I thought it was closer. He has his interview and they tell him they will call with drug screen appointment and orientation meeting.
He waits and waits. Another week goes by and I tell him to call. Years ago that was the practice. You did something and then you followed up. Not in today's day and age. So he calls and the man, still not sure if he is Miguel or Manny, and he is told to go to have a urine drug screening at the lab the next day. Well in order to have any tests you must show ID. You think he has his, nope. He left his wallet at his girlfriend's parents house. So, yes I am grumpy but tell him I will drive him back out to the REZ to get it. Oh no the girlfriend has a meeting at the high school at 10 so we can meet her there. Great. We get it and then go to the lab. Do you think the receptionist knows what he is talking about when he tells her he is there for a drug screen. Oh she will call. So there we are waiting and she doesn't call. So I stand up and ask should he call his contact. Oh no I'll call she says. We hear her call and leave a message. Did she really think we were just going to sit there and wait. I send him outside to call his contact, Miguel or Manny. Miguel or Manny will fax in the authorization and order. He also has no idea who the receptionist left a message with. He walks back in and before he can sit down the papers come over. She said oh thats funny they are from Miguel I don't work with him only Shirley. Who is Shirley. He goes in the back leaves his sample and we leave. He gets a call from Miguel, glad we cleared that up, telling him that the girls who handle the orientation and paperwork will call him and set up an appointment.
Around noon he gets a call from the paperwork people. Can you go to Buckeye for orientation tomorrow, they really want to get you started. He asks me and I say sure. Not really sure how I'm going to pull that off. Getting him to Buckeye and back, and getting myself to work on time. When he was talking to Miguel last week orientation was from 8 to 5. No way I was going to miss work. Buckeye is about 2 hours from our house. It would not be cost or time effective if I drove and dropped him off and someone else went to pick him up. So I called Amanda, my fill in at work, her number is disconnected. I called Barbara, the morning person at work, and she gives me the same number. My next recourse was to ask Barbara if she would stay late. She agrees. I tell her it will only be a about 4 hours. After She agrees I call my supervisor and she agrees. Then My Oldest tells me it is only until 2. Great this will only push me a couple hours late for work.
So I am sitting at McDonald's inside Walmart surfing the net. This, I hope, will not be a wasted day. This job will pay more with increase options. It has benefits after 90 days. They also offer 40 plus hours per week. My friend's husband has worked with them for over a decade. He thinks the employees are treated fairly. When My Oldest lived in the north he worked at the pig farm. He can do this. I don't know how else he will survive on his own making only minimum wage.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
I will keep him
My husband and I have been married for 20 years. About 5 years into our marriage we had a rough time. I told my husband that when the children turned 18 I would divorce him. Our youngest son is 17 so if I was following what I said I would only have 1 year to go. Well just last night it dawned on me that I'm not going anywhere. It was around 11:30 p.m and we were crawling into bed. It was a long day for both of us. So he gave me the "yes I will find you in heaven" kiss. And he said he was tired. I was tired too. So we got comfortable and dozed off holding hands. As I was falling asleep I thought isn't this wonderful to be content just next to someone. Knowing you have found the right one. Of coarse it took a lot for my epiphany. After going thru surgery and needing so much. Watching him do everything I normally do without complaining. Every sound I made he was there. He has always done things for me. From tires and gas to building rabbit hutches and giving the animals shots. He brings me home dr pepper and chocolate every time I ask. He takes me places when he would rather just stay home. Anyway I think I will keep him.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
So I come home to this. My oldest son works at another Pizza joint. Is he a traitor or, I wonder if he just got tired of the same old sauce.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
At this time we have fourteen chickens and one rooster. We bought the chickens from the family feed store in town in two batches. It was around the second week in December. We went to the store for rabbit pellets and heard peeping. So of coarse I had to get some. I asked my husband can I get twenty dollars worth. He just sold our old chickens to the neighbor. They stopped laying eggs and we had a freezer full of meat. He said sure. They were white leghorns and lay white eggs, supposedly they can lay three hundred eggs a year. So we brought them home and popped them in the bath tub. Then one night I went in to check on them and there were more. I counted fourteen in total. I called my husband and asked him about the extra chicks. He said he stopped by the feed store for something and he just picked them up. He only wanted six but their were two other yellow colored chicks. He said he couldn't just leave them. So now we have fourteen chickens. They have just started to lay eggs. This is very ironic because my husband has a picnic for his work at the beginning of May. He is assigned deviled eggs. We bring at least six dozen. Do you think our little chickens layed eggs for that. No they waited until two days after. Anyway, we are getting about a dozen each day. We even get two to three olive green eggs. Those chicks that he couldn't leave behind are Easter Eggers. They have feathers covering their ears and they lay olive green eggs.
Monday, May 12, 2014
T.V. watching
It just dawned on me that my Sugar dog watches T.V. when something catches her fancy. I noticed this when watching Little House last week. There was a bear attack and she watched and watched. I have never seen a dog do this. She will turn her head when she sees movement. Interesting. So tonight I was watching a show about penguins on Channel 8. Sugar came and watched with me.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Mother's Day Gifts
My Mother's Day gifts from my children. Roses and Little House on the Prairie First Season set. Very nice.
Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. I am the mother of two growing boys. They couldn't be more different.
My oldest is 19. He has always struggled in everything he does. Be it school or life in general. Here lately he is very hard to be around. Just like all children he only acts nice when he wants or needs something. I have hoped he would grow out of this stage. To this date he and his girlfriend live in my home. He has a part time job at the local Pizza shop. She is trying to Finish High School. They are expecting a child around the end of September. They do not get a long well. We have asked him to move out. He is confrontational and verbally abusive. Unfortunately he is stubborn and I can only imagine how this situation will escalate.
My youngest is 17. I believe he is mellowing out as he gets older. He strives to do well in all he does. Certain things come hard for him. He is living in Maricopa with some friends while he attends the local High School. Where he works extremely hard to keep his grades above passing. He has a girlfriend who he adores. They do well together. The occasional bickering and little lover spat but that is to be expected. He will be coming home for his Senior year. I hope he can keep this relationship flowing in a positive direction thru the distance. It is only a 45 minute drive. But that is still time consuming.
My children do not get along at all. They fight over everything. Their fighting usually ends in blows. Feelings get hurt, things get broken. I also hope they will grow out of this. When they were younger we went to counseling and I was assured that when they matured I would have no worries. That they would be the best of friends. Of course nobody can say anything negative about either one or they are on them like bees to honey.
My oldest is 19. He has always struggled in everything he does. Be it school or life in general. Here lately he is very hard to be around. Just like all children he only acts nice when he wants or needs something. I have hoped he would grow out of this stage. To this date he and his girlfriend live in my home. He has a part time job at the local Pizza shop. She is trying to Finish High School. They are expecting a child around the end of September. They do not get a long well. We have asked him to move out. He is confrontational and verbally abusive. Unfortunately he is stubborn and I can only imagine how this situation will escalate.
My youngest is 17. I believe he is mellowing out as he gets older. He strives to do well in all he does. Certain things come hard for him. He is living in Maricopa with some friends while he attends the local High School. Where he works extremely hard to keep his grades above passing. He has a girlfriend who he adores. They do well together. The occasional bickering and little lover spat but that is to be expected. He will be coming home for his Senior year. I hope he can keep this relationship flowing in a positive direction thru the distance. It is only a 45 minute drive. But that is still time consuming.
My children do not get along at all. They fight over everything. Their fighting usually ends in blows. Feelings get hurt, things get broken. I also hope they will grow out of this. When they were younger we went to counseling and I was assured that when they matured I would have no worries. That they would be the best of friends. Of course nobody can say anything negative about either one or they are on them like bees to honey.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Here Goes Again
I'm going to start blogging again. I hope I will not slack off again. Life is moving a long. I have not worked at my JOB since March 23rd. After a long battle I had a hysterectomy and took FMLA. I will be returning on Wednesday the 14th. It took me awhile to get back to normal. I did take it very easy. Thank goodness for my family they took care of everything. From cooking, to cleaning, to shopping, to feeding the animals. All I did was sit around and sleep. Doing puzzles and crocheting but not much else.
Tomorrow I plan on starting my new routine. Last week I started doing little things. Now it is time for a normal work schedule at home and at work. I can't wait. Well going back to work, not so much. I missed things like baking and milking and vacuuming. I guess I can do without the vacuuming, boys just can not sweep or vacuum correctly. Milking and vacuuming are the two things the Dr. specifically told me I could not do. Oh and lift anything over five pounds. I did break that rule. Memee my Chihuahua weighs about nine pounds and I carried her as I always do. Maybe not the first two weeks I was home but surely the rest.
I will keep you posted on my new schedule when I work it out. I am unable to post pictures because I forgot to transfer any. The next time
Tomorrow I plan on starting my new routine. Last week I started doing little things. Now it is time for a normal work schedule at home and at work. I can't wait. Well going back to work, not so much. I missed things like baking and milking and vacuuming. I guess I can do without the vacuuming, boys just can not sweep or vacuum correctly. Milking and vacuuming are the two things the Dr. specifically told me I could not do. Oh and lift anything over five pounds. I did break that rule. Memee my Chihuahua weighs about nine pounds and I carried her as I always do. Maybe not the first two weeks I was home but surely the rest.
I will keep you posted on my new schedule when I work it out. I am unable to post pictures because I forgot to transfer any. The next time
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