We broke down and got a new computer. I can now surf and blog until my heart is content. This is such a relief.Nothing is worse than not being able to do what you want. Well maybe there are worse things.
To catch up yet again. How annoying. Anyway.
We had a terrible loss when the neighbors dog broke into one of our Rabbit colonies and killed all 16 rabbits. He jumped through the chain link fence. I went out one morning and caught him in the act after he killed Silver Tip our beautiful buck. My husband took care of him. I don't have to say how. We have the other 3 colonies and Cole our original buck still. We have stopped breeding them for the summer it is just to hot.

Also our female Puppy got out and she mated with the neighbors dog. So you guessed it she is pregnant.
Abby our senior Doe had two gorgeous female babies. I have decided to keep these girls. Evangeline looks like her mother with la mancha ears and brown eyes. Francesca looks like her father with long ears and blue eyes. They run and play like no other goat I have seen. They do not scream when you pick them up, usually. Abby is doing so well with her babies. Her udder is so full. To give her relief I have milked her and she is giving just under a gallon. The babies have started to eat hay so I have to decide if I want to continue to milk her. I have only been milking her for two weeks now and I love the yogurt it makes. I have not gone to the store for lemon juice so no chevre yet. I use chevre in the place of cream cheese for bagels and baking. You can use vinegar but I think it gives off and after taste.

We lost our little duck and 3 chicks. We had a red ant infestation and they died because of their injuries. One little turkey isn't doing so well. It was bitten up and somehow I think broke its leg. The turkey is now in our bathtub healing. We brought in the other turkey when everyone else died. It was just sitting by the coop gate all alone. So now We have two turkeys in our bathtub. One very active and one not so much. The make such a lovely noise. It is truly a beautiful melody of chirping. The active Turkey could probably just pop out anytime it wanted but it is so concerned about its companion that it stays right by its side. We have feathers and wood shavings all over the edge of the tub.I'm not sure how long it will take this little turkey to heal.
Mamma duck is doing much better. I don't know if you remember but the male duck helped himself to her to much and broke her leg. She does have a little limp but otherwise she gets along just fine. I am getting 4 duck eggs every day. Two female ducks are nesting. I have 6 ducks and I believe they are all females. I have left the eggs just to see what happens. Perhaps we will have another little duck.
We lost a couple of roosters and the male duck before we lost the rabbits. We thought it was the neighbors dog but could never catch him in the act. One morning I caught our Taco dog eating the last little chick. We can't say who ate the others but now Taco was caught in the act. This was very hard for my husband. All he could say was what will we tell our youngest. When our youngest came home and we told him he said once a chicken eater always a chicken eater. He has Taco's collar in hes truck.
I have changed my laundry soap. Well its basically the same just no added water. You grate everything together and stir it up. Same ingredients minus the water. Super easy. At the same time I got this bright idea my mother was also doing the same thing. What can I say great minds think alike.
My Nephew is moving to my neck of the woods. I have offered our two empty bedrooms. He hasn't yet let me know if he will take me up on the offer. The best part is that he has two little girls. You know I have two boys. This will be so fun. Or so I think. I have been busy cleaning out the boys old stuff to give them room. You know just in case.
nice turkey