Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dog toys and T shirts

We have 6 dogs.  We added Sugar when I wasn't writing.  Sugar came from my husbands worker.  His wife found her tied up and forgotten.  They could not keep her because their dog has issues with other dogs.  She is still young and in trouble a lot.  You  know puppies get into everything.

Well I can not bring myself to buy toys at the crazy high prices they are.  You know I have two boys that are still growing and growing and growing.  These boys of mine are very ruff on clothes.  When the Tshirts get so stained they won't wear them.  I can not throw them away.  I have finally found a use for them.  Well actually two uses if I can ever get around to it.  I cut the tops off and tie in knots to give to the dogs.  They love these.  Then I cut the bottoms into one long strip.  Right now I have rolled them into balls for the next project.  I want to make a rug using a hula hoop.  I have the hoop and the materia, just no time

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty girl she is! How old? I truly believe dogs are good for the soul because they love you all the time (almost!)
    I have a question for you, pls. All of a sudden we have a ton of little house flies in the house. Any hints on what to do to get rid of them? No garbage, food or dishes sitting out. HELP!!!
